
Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Sinopsis 7th Grade Civil Servant ep 9

Yang keras kencan cukup tanpa harus kerja di seluruh pada rincian, bukan?
Berdasarkan peringkat hari ini, menunjukkan baru masih bergeser dan menetap ke tempat mereka, tapi ini lebih apa yang saya harapkan (dan apa yang saya kira akan tetap order): Musim Dingin itu menepis IRIS 2 -keduanya co-tempat pertama episode terakhir -dengan 13,4%. Pegawai Negeri Sipil naik dari belakang dengan 12,5%. DanIRIS 2 turun dari pertama ke tempat ketiga dengan 10,8%.

Gil-ro tiba untuk melihat Seo-won terkunci dalam pelukan dengan Do-ha, yang membawa wajah frowny keluar.
Seo-won memberikan Do-ha kesempatan untuk menarik kembali saat ini, mengatakan kepadanya bahwa jika ia mundur sekarang mereka akan dapat tetap berteman baik seperti biasa.
Melihat bahwa dia tidak membiarkan pergi, Seo-won Sorong dia kembali dengan pertahanan diri beberapa bergerak untuk menunjukkan kepadanya bahwa dia mampu merawat dirinya sendiri, memperingatkan dia bahwa dia menggonggong pohon yang salah.
Do-ha menjawab bahwa hari ini akan menandai akhir baik bagi mereka, atau awal.Yang adalah ketika Gil-ro langkah ke depan untuk mengganggu.
Pertanyaan besar: Apakah dia melompat ke kesimpulan yang jelas, atau dia akan berpikiran terbuka tentang hal ini? Kami tidak cukup mendapatkan dibaca, tapi dia tidak mengatakan sinis bahwa mereka membuat gambar cantik, bertindak seperti dia tidak peduli. Dia kepala dalam untuk mendapatkan ponsel tanpa repot-repot untuk membuat ini menjadi konfrontasi.
Seo-won memberikan Do-ha jawabannya: Ini bukanlah awal maupun akhir bagi mereka, karena ia ingin tetap menjadi temannya. Dia memohon untuk berbeda: "Jika tidak awal, itu akhir. Saya tidak akan terjebak dalam cinta satu-sisi "Nah, poin untuk itu.. Do-ha badai off.
Seo-won menunggu di luar untuk waktu yang lama, dan Gil-ro akhirnya muncul beberapa saat kemudian berbau minuman keras, milik ibunya. Dia mulai menjelaskan adegan ia menyaksikan, kemudian bertanya apakah dia ingin alasan. Dia hanya mengatakan, "Jangan. Anda tidak perlu. "
Gil-ro mengatakan padanya bahwa dia tidak terganggu dengan kecurigaan tentang apakah dia bermain kedua orang, atau apakah dia memiliki sesuatu yang terjadi dengan Do-ha: ". Saya tidak percaya Anda cukup untuk keraguan seperti itu"
Dengan lega, katanya mengambil cara ini lebih dingin daripada dia berpikir, dan dia meyakinkan bahwa dia adalah raja dingin. Tapi kemudian ia reruntuhan yang berlaku dengan cemberut bahwa pelukan itu tidak perlu panjang: "Bukankah 32 detik terlalu lama?"
Gil-ro mengatakan bahwa ia benar-benar memahami bahwa memeluk dapat terjadi, platonis, antara teman-teman atau rekan kerja. Namun, apa pun lebih dari sepuluh detik terlalu banyak. Lalu ia rethinks: "Tidak, sepuluh detik terlalu lama. Tunggu, lima detik. Tidak, tiga detik. "Ha," keren, "suuure. Dinginkan seperti gunung berapi.
Lalu ia melompat ke atas dan meledak, "Jangan lakukan itu! Jangan melakukan apa-apa, pernah! Tidak dengan teman atau rekan kerja atau apapun biologis laki-laki "! Pout-merengek-merajuk.
Dia mengakui bahwa jika dia terjebak dengan garis nya dingin, dia pasti sudah sedikit kecewa.
Mereka terus duduk di sana untuk sementara waktu dan ia meletakkan kepalanya di pangkuannya. Dia mulai menjelaskan tentang Do-ha lagi, tapi ia berhenti padanya, tidak ingin mendengar tentang seberapa baik seorang pria Do-ha.
Ibu menemukan mereka di sana, dan dia dengan senang hati mabuk juga, cukup untuk mengundang Gil-ro kembali ke dalam untuk putaran lain. Jadi dalam mereka pergi untuk Soju lebih dan kegembiraan sebagai Gil-ro memainkan pacar kekanak-kanakan / anak-in-hukum peran, makan orang tua dan bernyanyi untuk mereka berdasarkan permintaan. Mereka menari bersama untuk bernyanyi, tampak seperti keluarga bahagia katak. Keras, mabuk katak.
The mesra getaran lingers di kantor juga, dengan mereka berdua menyelinap hadiah kecil untuk masing-masing dan minum jus mereka serempak. Mereka tidak bisa minumbersama-sama , sehingga mereka akan minum secara bersamaan, saya kira.
Gil-ro tidak puas dengan "penyelidikan" penyerang ayahnya, dan menekan Won-seok untuk update. Dia masih di bawah kesan bahwa dia pelindung Dad, bukan memantau pengawasan, dan permintaan bahwa agen baru menggantikannya-Gil-ro identitas itu telah diganggu, jadi dia akan menetap kembali ke mode analis belakang layar.
Itu yang dia akan lakukan jika ia benar-benar mata-mata NIS, tapi Won-seok tidak mampu untuk petunjuk dia di mol atau kehilangan mereka, jadi dia hanya menyalak di Gil-ro untuk menjaga perhatiannya pada perlindungan Ayah.
Mi-rae menyediakan Presiden Han dengan perangkat USB, menyamar (buruk) sebagai kartu kredit, yang akan digunakan untuk mencuri file rahasia pada teknologi kavitasi.Dia menyampaikan kartu kredit kepada manusia di dalam mereka, Direktur Park, yang seharusnya memungkinkan dia untuk menyelinap keluar bahkan jika kebocoran terdeteksi.
Presiden Han ingin keluar dari kerjasama ini setelah pekerjaan, dan sementara Mi-rae mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia dingin akan menjadi orang yang memutuskan kapan dia lakukan, dia setuju bahwa dia ingin hal yang sama.
At least the NIS doesn’t suspect Gil-ro of being part of the axis of evil, since his presence the other night was to monitor Dad, not conduct the secret meeting. This means their main person of interest is Mi-rae, and they turn their attention toward finding more about her. This leads to a tangent on how Young-soon and Sun-mi dislike Mi-rae… for being pretty. No, really. They trade compliments on how Young-soon and Sun-mi are totally pretty too, puffing themselves up on self-flattery. Thanks for being all empowering, careerwomen spies who are supposed to be independent and awesome and instead spend a lot of time mooning over men.
Mi-rae and JJ use a gym visit as a cover to trade info, and Mi-rae tells JJ to back off from Gil-ro now. JJ enjoys his little cat-n-mouse games and counters that there’s nothing to fear since there’s no link back to him. But Mi-rae has identified one weak link in their history—Woo-hyuk (Uhmforce) had used a bank account in the past that could trace back to JJ.
JJ warns that it’s Mi-rae who’s in greater danger and that the NIS is likely to be on her trail. Interestingly, she sounds completely blasé as she says she doesn’t care if she dies in the line of duty—as long as she keeps JJ safe.
Having met her parents, Gil-ro tells Seo-won it’s time to meet his mother tonight (his one-track mind is firmly on the promised overnight trip—the faster they meet Mom, the faster they get to go on vacation).
So she reports to Young-soon that she’s heading in tonight, and they head over armed with a gift. Despite protesting beforehand, Seo-won reluctantly goes with the lie that she’s a Tiger by zodiac (though she shoots Gil-ro a glare for necessitating the lie) and answers the rest of Mom’s questions honestly, like what her parents do for a living.
Mom greets her with all appearance of friendliness, but it’s clear she doesn’t much care for Seo-won; she sniffs at her answers and slips in backhanded comments. Then Gil-ro, wanting to salvage the situation, trots out the old diplomat lie—Dad’s a retired diplomat and only farms as a hobby—and Mom is suddenly all warmth and light.
Seo-won falls back on her old cover story, whipping up believable answers about being based in Chile, and Mom laps it up eagerly.
Seo-won takes out her gift—a Roomba-like vacuum—and sets it in motion… so that the NIS headquarters has a rat’s-eye view of the Han residence.
Seo-won whips out her camera and starts taking pictures of the house, making Gil-ro pout that she should include him in some of them. So she takes a few couple photos… which get beamed back to NIS. Ha.
Thus the first trip Chez Han is a success, though she’ll have to go back to actually bust into the safe once it’s found. The plan is to send the parents to a show over the weekend, then sneak inside while the house is empty. Young-soon advises her to do it quickly since dragging it out will only hurt herself, and gives her a week.
Watching Seo-won conduct her mission has Do-ha brooding, and he requests reassignment, which Won-seok flatly denies. Do-ha has a somewhat credible-sounding excuse prepared, that he doesn’t trust Seo-won’s methods and therefore has no right to be on the same team.
But both Won-seok and Sun-mi (who overhears via the comm) understand that he’s distancing himself because he likes Seo-won. Won-seok refuses to let him go regardless, telling him that ditching his team is betrayal.
That night, Seo-won’s feeling guilty over her latest batch of lies and gets snappish with her parents when they bug her to help Dad in more of his business ventures. She barks at Mom, saying, “You don’t even know what you’re talking about!”—and those words are particularly hurtful since Mom knows she’s not educated.
Huffy and insulted, Mom and Dad pack up and start to leave right away, saying they’re sorry to have made their daughter so ashamed of them. Seo-won manages to stop them before they leave, apologizing in tears and taking back her words. Sadly, it doesn’t make Mom feel any less ignorant and stupid, but she changes her mind and decides to stay.
With Won-seok feigning ignorance on any attacker news, Gil-ro goes to Mi-rae for info about his father. Is he involved in anything dangerous? Perhaps he has enemies out for blood?
Mi-rae laughs off his concerns and tells him to worry about himself, treating him with enough dismissiveness that he backs down without feeling too suspicious. But as soon as she leaves, Mi-rae gives President Han a call, insinuating that they could always include Gil-ro in their plans, since he seems so interested in finding out what they are…
Seo-won returns to the Han house with Gil-ro and has a beauty session with his mother, which makes Gil-ro rather adorably huffy. First off, she’s rattling off more lies without batting an eyelash, and secondly, she’s totally ignoring him in favor of his mother. Heh. All the while, the bugged Roomba makes its rounds, sending video back to HQ. Figures a tiny robot is the most effective spy on this show.
Mom orders Gil-ro to cut fruit for them and bring tea—okay, this I like. He actually goes and does it, while Mom shows Seo-won baby pictures and laughs about how Dad cut her out of all the photos because he only cared about getting the baby in the shot. One picture has burnt edges, saved from the house fire that almost killed Gil-ro. It was Dad who raced inside the blazing house to rescue him.
Speaking of whom, Dad comes home and Gil-ro proudly presents his girlfriend for the introduction. But Dad’s just had the threatening phone call from MI-rae and rips into his son for poking his nose in where it doesn’t belong. Completely ignoring Seo-won, he orders Gil-ro to move out and go abroad.
This time, Gil-ro complies and packs his bags. Aw. More crossed wires.
Well, at least one parental relationship is on the mend, with Seo-won and her mother back to normal. Mom apologizes again for their fight, saying that it’s frustrating to be called out for knowing nothing. Poor Mom.
Mom gives Seo-won some typical motherly advice about watching her health—and keeping men out of her bedroom. Ha. It’s basically “Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile” advice, and Seo-won promises.
The NIS’s close watch on Director Park means that they know practically the instant he heads in to his company and uses the secret USB to download those trade secrets. Granted, it’s the most low-rent secret USB ever, but let’s assume this show didn’t have the money for James Bond-ian gadgetry.
At work, Seo-won asks how Gil-ro’s doing, wondering if he’s holding up after Dad’s outburst. Gil-ro assures her that she got a taste of a normal interaction at the Han house, but also tells her that he moved out.
Seo-won has a minor freakout—this means her route to completing the mission is cut off—but tries to contain herself and argues that it’s for his own good that he return home. She speaks so forcefully that he concedes that he’ll go back tomorrow, but he does lean in to pout, “Put me up tonight.” Ha.
He adds that he doesn’t actually have a home—he’s never felt at home in that house. She doesn’t know how feels to go “home” to that house every day, he says. And when he says, “See you at home later,” he’s referring to her place.
Gil-ro meets with Won-seok to declare that he really can’t continue this mission—being with his father all the time, to him, is something he can’t handle. Won-seok, like Seo-won, has to find a way to argue that makes it seem they’re concerned about Gil-ro more than their mission, and he points out that they need him to protect Dad. He even reminds him of something he said the day Gil-ro got kicked out of the NIS… which has Gil-ro pointing out, “But you said I wasn’t kicked out.” Oopsie. I wonder if that slip will come back to bite Won-seok in the ass.
Right now, though, he’s spared explanation because he gets an emergency phone call. Gil-ro assumes this is a spy mission and adorably gets suuuper excited to be called to duty, thinking he’s getting his Bond moment. Only to find that they’re heading to Won-seok’s daughter’s school for a personal matter.
Won-seok’s daughter is something of a budding thug, and she’s in trouble for bullying another student and taking her money. Trouble is, the other girl’s father is a cop and he’s blazing mad, determined to take this as far as he can to get her expelled.
So Won-seok does the only thing he can and asks meekly for forgiveness, father to father, and kneels at the officer’s feet. This is the scene Gil-ro witnesses, and the display of family sacrifice has him flashing back to Won-seok’s words about protecting one’s family—it’s the most important work in the world.
Seo-won worries about Gil-ro’s broken relationship with his father, and fears for how he’ll react once President Han is carted off for his crimes. She sends him a photo of his baby picture, asking if he’s ever been focused on one person to the exclusion of all else, “Like a father looking at his son…”
And so, Gil-ro shows up at her door that night, without his bag. He barges inside, and Seo-won’s immediately on the defensive (thinking of Mom’s advice, heh), warning him to stay out of the bedroom.
But he’s really here for comfort, and he hugs her, saying, “Thanks for everything.”
At a pojangmacha, our two lonelyhearts have drinks together, with Do-ha brooding in silence and Sun-mi chattering on as she gets drunker and drunker. She’s hurt at the realization that he likes Seo-won but keeps her cheery face on, even as she scoffs at herself for indulging in a one-sided love.
She asks if he likes Seo-won so much that he feels he has to quit to get away from her. “But you have me on your team,” she says, though I suppose the sad thing is that Sun-mi is no Seo-won.
When they leave the pojangmacha, she encourages him to lean on her since he’s so drunk (methinks she’s projecting), and he ends up piggybacking her instead. She tearily asks him not to quit, but he says he’s already made up his mind to go.
Back at the apartment, the tender moment turns awkward as they sit there on the bed, totally aware that they’re separated by little more than self-discipline. From what I know of these two, that is not encouraging.
Gil-ro shuffles closer, and she scoots away. He moves again, and so does she, until they’ve done a whole circuit around her bed. I know these guys can act thirteen sometimes, but you’d think they actually were thirteen.
Finally Gil-ro brings up a fun fact he picked up somewhere, about locations where couples have their first kiss. Popular entries include the car and the front door, and Seo-won relaxes at that suggestion that he’s on his way out.
Until he adds that location isn’t important, of course, and then her eyes bug out. Ha. I guess it says something that I hadn’t even realized they hadn’t had their first kiss yet.
He leans in for a kiss… and she jumps up again. Arg! Lordy woman, if you keep doing that I’m going to stop wanting you to GET that kiss and start wanting to hit you for being so ungrateful. Seriously!
Her fidgetiness makes him suspicious that she’s hiding someone in the closet, which I suppose is only understandable given her history. She proves that the closet is empty, and he declares, “Then I want to sleep over.”

Phew, at least they finally get to the point and do the damn kiss already! If only because they’ve done this whole nervous-dance fake-out way too much before, and you can only do it so much before we stop caring. If you can’t muster the interest to actually kiss, then I’m going to stop caring whether you do.
It’s something that really bugs me about this show, which I am trying to take in stride because it’s not like this romance is the only thing about this drama that’s juvenile. The entire plot is, and so is the tone and the execution. So maybe it fits. Although in that case, you really should have cast teenagers and turned it into a Disney show. Or even young adults in their early twenties, fresh out of college with no life experience. I’m growing weary of the “Choi Kang-hee is too old” refrain (although I do agree—still, there’s only so many times you can say it before you’ve said it enough), but for this story in particular the age makes a difference, making their emotional immaturity stand out more glaringly. Joo-won looks like a baby so it’s somewhat believable that he’s in the throes of puppy love, but I wish the show weren’t so simplistic as to push the idea that a kiss is somehow a gateway to a woman’s downfall. They’re adults. They can kiss.
Do-ha’s character is interesting for the way that I find his predicament interesting only on an intellectual level. By which I mean: I care about him in theory, but not in actuality. His angst is not interesting to me, and therefore Sun-mi is also a non-factor.
I really wish the show had put Seo-won and Do-ha together as a fake spy couple for a while, and thought that the year-long time skip was the perfect opportunity to do it. Thus you have Do-ha developing feelings while they’re “acting” as a couple, while she remains strictly professional. And when she encounters Gil-ro again, he has greater reason for jealousy because he thinks Seo-won is dating Do-ha—and because of her mission, she has to act like she’s dating him. Then she gets the new mission to romance Gil-ro, and we get a whole messy set of questions asking what’s real, what’s fake, and what’s to be trusted.
So many what-ifs, flattened into cartoon cut-outs. I guess it could be worse—at least it’s still funny. See? Glass still half full.


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